Hi, I’m Arjun!

Headshot of me!

I’m a 3rd year CS major @ Georgia Tech concentrating in Systems Architecture and Theory. I’m currently learning about quantum computing, compilers, and PL theory!

You can contact me @


I’ve spent most of my (limited) work life in the space of quantum compilers; in the summer of 2023, I worked @ Quantinuum, where I designed a domain specific language for Repeat-Until-Success circuits. The following summer, I worked @ IBM on rewriting their hardware Quantum Assembly compiler in Rust.

I also co-chair dependently-typed, the compilers and programming languages club @ GT.


I work @ the Center for Novel Computing Heirarchies (CRNCH) in the TINKER Lab with Dr. Tom Conte and PhD student Austin Adams on quantum programming languages and compilers! Our paper, ASDF: A Compiler for Qwerty, a Basis-Oriented Quantum Programming Language, has been accepted to CGO 2025!

A more complete resume can be found here.

What do I do?

I read somewhere recently that when asked about what someone does, the first answer is some sort of work related answer, and any hobby or passion is designated second-place. Perhaps that’s because of how the question was phrased, but it’s an interesting thought. Anywho, here are some things I find curious, interesting, fun, and the like :]

And now, a nice quote

“Experience becoming […] to make your soul grow”