
Rewriting Rust's zip (poorly)

Betwixt all of the Marvel Rivals and drumming I’ve been doing since I finished my fall semester, I thought it’d be a good idea to try rewriting std::iter::zip; in the past, I’ve followed along with Jon Gjengset’s Crust of Rust on Iterators (to make Flatten) and tried my hand at FlatMap as well (see Elton Pinto’s blog as a nice insight). This article is inspired by his, although will probably less involved as I found zip to be easier to implement, largely because FlatMap, for example, involves nested iterators and FnMut and other such fancy traits, while Zip is a more intuitive operation. There were only a few hiccups along the way.

As an aside, did you know that hiccough is a valid spelling, and hiccup is the more modernized version? English is dumb.

What the hell is a zip?

Rust’s std::iter::zip has one simple goal; when calling zip on two items that can be turned into iterators, we want zip to return pairs of each subsequent entry in each input! That’s a mouthful, but a simple example from the docs will likely help:

let xs = [1, 2, 3];
let ys = [4, 5, 6];

let mut iter = zip(xs, ys);

assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), (1, 4));
assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), (2, 5));
assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap(), (3, 6));

Now that you hopefully understand what’s happening a bit better, the next step is

Figuring out how to make this shit

Most things in the standard library are designed as follows:

  1. Have a function to do a thing (zip), and create a struct that represents the thing you want the result to be Zip.
  2. Use traits, associated types, and generics to implement functionality on top of said resulting thing impl Iterator for ...
  3. Profit

So, let’s get started with all of this, beginning with our zip function:

fn zip<A, B>(a: A, b: B) -> Zip<A::IntoIter, B::IntoIter>
    A: IntoIterator,
    B: IntoIterator,
    Zip::new(a, b)

We haven’t quite implemented the Zip struct yet, but we will soon. For now, notice that intuitively we need both a and b to be able to be converted to Iterators; thus, we can place the IntoIterator trait bound on them. Having the bound be Iterator would be “too strict”, in a sense, and would functionally require us to call .into_iter() on everything we’d pass in to zip.

Also, while IntoIterator is a trait, IntoIter is an associated type! Associated types are type aliases associated with another type/trait. You may be thinking, this sounds a lot like generics, and yeah they’re kind of similar, but the crucial difference is that associated types are specific to an implementation (i.e. in the impl block) of a trait, while generics allow multiple implementations. This thread has a good explanation, which I’ll attempt to summarize.

pub trait IntoIterator {
    type Item;
    type IntoIter: Iterator<Item = Self::Item>;

    // Required method
    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter;

This is the definition of the IntoIterator trait, with the subsequent definition of the IntoIter type as well. Notice here that the type IntoIter resolves to a concrete type, as IntoIterator is implemented on a specific type. For example, if we call into_iter() on an object of type Vec<u32>, then the Item is of type u32, and thus we create an Iterator<Item = u32>, which is exactly as desired.

Clearly, for each implementation of a given trait for a given type, we have a unique resolution for the associated type, which makes intuitive sense. On the flipside, something like Add<Rhs> can be implemented multiple times for a variety of types of Rhs, i.e. parametric polymorphism (generics).

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get back to

Zipping it! Time for structs

Our zip function wants an output of type Zip<A::IntoIter, B::IntoIter>, so let’s do that.

pub struct Zip<A, B>
    A: IntoIterator,
    B: IntoIterator,
    a: A::IntoIter,
    b: B::IntoIter,

Well. That was easy.

The only thing we’re missing is the new function that we used in zip, but that shouldn’t be too hard:

impl<A, B> Zip<A, B>
    A: IntoIterator,
    B: IntoIterator,
    fn new(a: A, b: B) -> Zip<A::IntoIter, B::IntoIter> {
        Zip {
            a: a.into_iter(),
            b: b.into_iter(),

Notice how the return type matches our zip function signature; the rest is pretty reasonable.

Implementing Iterators Interestingly (not)

The last thing we need to do is to make our Zip struct actually somewhat useful, so we need to implement the Iterator trait for it, which will get us all sorts of goodies for free (please do consult the standard library if you forget). The only thing we really need to implement for iterators is next (it’s the “required method” they mention in the docs); here’s the code:

impl<A, B> Iterator for Zip<A, B>
    A: Iterator,
    B: Iterator,
    type Item = (A::Item, B::Item);
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let x = self.a.next()?;
        let y = self.b.next()?;
        Some((x, y))

Here, we notice that Item is an associated type for Iterator; crucially, it’s not predefined, and so we can set it to whatever we need. Here, since our goal is to get tuples of items from our two iterators, we simply do as described. The function implementation itself is also largely trivial – just get the next values of both iterators, and return a tuple of them. If either is None, the ? operator will gracefully handle this and return None for the overall iterator as desired.

We’re done??


Have a happy holidays and see you next time!
